Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

Christmas Day Brunch :)

December 25, 2009

me n my family went to Hotel Grand Kemang, to had brunch, to celebrate the Christmas Day

we had a so much fun there, and the food was great!
we had a turkey :)
and also :
- sushi
- salad *u must know the salad so so so nice, the hotel served about 3 kind of salad, n they were an extraordinary salad, the taste so unique and of course so delicious!*
- cakes
- dimsum
- chocolates
- soup
and others ! hahaha

i cant explain how much i ate that time hahah

here are the photos :)

mommy n daddy :)

the cakes and me ! haha

after lunch, we walked around the hotel, n there were an art exhibition, so we captured some photos there hehe :)



hahah :p

me and unique car :)

that's all i can share with u guys, actually there are still a lot of photos, but again, i cant upload it all, too much! hahah
i hope u can enjoy it.
btw have a belated christmas guys ! :)

Konser KOIN peduli Prita

hari itu tanggal 20 desember 2009

g n bro dtg k hard rock cafe, ex buat dateng ke acara konser KOIN peduli prita
pas nyampe, cari parkiran aja susaaa bgttt. akhirnya kita parkir d PI
setelah dpt parkir, qt lgsg masuk n naek menuju ex
dan, d dpn hard rock uda rame bgttt, uda banyak wartawan, plus antrian yg cukup panjang
sblm masuk, smua penonton wajib memberikan sumbangan untuk ibu prita sebesar 50 ribu, lalu dicap sbg tanda masuk
lalu, pas masuk di dalem,ternyata uda lumayan sumpek sama orang2 yg duduk ataupun brdiri
lucky me,. g dapet spot bagus, lumayan deket sama panggung *mskpn g berdiri*
tp bro ngemper duduk d dpn sama fotografer lainnya,mau moto2
so i enjoyed the show alone, standing near the press of TV ONE,,siapa tahu g disorot juga trus masuk tv ahhahahaha :p
then, the show begin..
the first NIDJI,, lalu smua wartawan menyerbu ke dpn.
lalu g disenggol2, dan mrk blg : 'permisi mba,misii doong' dan g cukup sabar yaa, g sampe mepet tembok biar mrk dan kamera2nya lewat
kekesalan g krn mst mepet2 tembok dan kesenggol2 tp lgsg ilang pas liat nidji tampil
gila men
itu si gila
kenapa gila? karena mrk buat lagu baru khusus buat ibu prita
so creative!haha
then, these are the photos that my brother captured

then, ada INDRA BEKTI n FITROP nge-host.
and they were totally funny with their jokes ! haha
here they are..

also ENDAH n RHESA..

oh ya pas endah n rhesa tampil, setelah mainin 1 lagu, eh sena gitarnya endah putus ! trus akhirnya endah minta crewnya ambil senar baru, lalu dy pasang senar barunya itu sambil ngajak penonton ngbrl

tp rhesa ga diem aj, dy mainin bass nya,,n akhirnya endah jadi nyanyi diiringin sama bass nya rhesa *nyanyi dont worry be happy*
jadi,endah itu sambil ajak penonton ngbrl, juga nyanyi dan juga pasang senar gitarnya!

hebat bgt endah ! haha

and there were still a lot of artists and bands that performed there,but this page gonna be super long if i upload all that photos haha.
masih ada gigi, ari lasso, sherina, jflow, andra n the backbone, and so on !
i cant explain it,,there were too much!haha
but it was an awsome charity concert
smua artis dan band yang tampil saat itu, ga ad yang dibayar sepeserpun.
then, dari koin2 yang dikumpulin itu aja uda kekumpul 600an juta,,stlh konser itu jadi ad 800an juta
hebat bgt kan org indo ternyata
segitu pedulinya loh sama ibu prita
i feel so proud to be indonesian that time :) hehe
so, yeah, that's all about konser koin peduli untuk prita
let us save another people who cant have their rights :)