Selasa, 13 Juli 2010


it was thursday, july 8th, 1 day before my bestfriend Tatia must back to Brisbane after spent almost a month in here during her holiday
on that day the girls came to her house to cooked an eat together
before it, me n innes went to the supermarket to bought the things

everything went sooo great
the food so delicious *i can guarantee* and the chit chat went so hilarious

we cooked :
~ salad, that consist of chicken breast,baby potatoes,lettuce, corns, tomatoes, and i forgot what else but wuth Thousand Island dressing, so nyummy!
~ fish fingers
~ french fries with a delicious nyummy secret recipe mushroom beef souce made by tatia
~ and nuggets.

then after we had a super supper, we played the cards and chit chat, laughed out loud, but we didnt took many photos of us, we were too busy with ourself .lol.
but innes took quiet lot of food photograph
just take a look of these photos

the cute mushroom

the 'things' that made taste of the souce so nyummy

the french fries and cheese for the perfect touch before we pour the souce

this is it, all the food made by us, made with laughed and happiness . lol

us !

jk, hilman, innes, tatia, riana, me, priscilla

cant wait to have this moment again

i love you much ! :')

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