Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

with the couple

i've spent almost a whole day with my friends, which is, they are a couple

my friend, innes really glad that she just bought a camera on that day, and about a week ago from that day, her boyfriend just back to indo from seattle,so she felt so happy i guess hehe

that day, we took emm quiet a lot of photos haha
some photos are captured by innes, by her boy and me

here they are

with 'ignore everybody' book that i read before innes n her boyfriend came up to starbucks

fyi that book is a good book. you guys should read it, it can open ur mind hehe

i was using my lipbalm when innes captured me hehe
anyway she used an extra lens, like a lomo lens, that's why it became red and kind of blurry

on emergency with my poni bangs. lol

with innes

i wore a printed shirt, a high waist black short, a belt,,and not to forget bangles and rings of course hehe

the happy and sweet couple, innes n kevin *a.k.a pochi*

then we moved to pancious, cos i was craving into this *scroll down...*

tarraaaa! yes, baby potato with smoked beef. emm so nyummy ! :)

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